On Data Packet Received

Run part of a program when the micro:bit receives a number or string over radio.


This API has been deprecated!

To add or remove the parts of the packet from the block, try clicking the blue gear in the corner!

Callback Parameters

  • packet - the packet that was received by the radio. The packet has the following properties:
    • receivedNumber - The number that was sent in this packet or 0 if this packet did not contain a number. See send number and send value
    • receivedString - The string that was sent in this packet or the empty string if this packet did not contain a string. See send string and send value
    • time - The system time of the micro:bit that sent this packet at the time the packet was sent.
    • serial - The serial number of the micro:bit that sent this packet or 0 if the micro:bit did not include its serial number.
    • signal - How strong the radio signal is from -128 (weak) to -42 (strong).


The on radio data event can only be created once, due to the hardware restrictions.

The radio set group might need to be set, synchronized , before the radio events will function.

See also

send number, send string, send value, set group